
Policies and Procedures

As part of the operational running of the Arts and Business College of London, the management comply with the requirements as outlined by the Policies and Procedures which can be found under the Downloads section.

Our Quality and Enhancement Manual (QEM) is relevant to both staff and students. It was established in 2015 and aims to act as a central source of information for policies and procedures which support the Arts & Business College of London. Its aim to assure the quality of its learning, teaching and supervision. Students may expect advice from lecturers on the use and interpretation of the QEM if they need it.

The QEM includes the regulatory framework governing teaching and learning at the Institution and the provisions of such frameworks that have regulatory force. Where statements contain the wording that the Institution or students ‘should’ take particular actions or adhere to certain principles, this has regulatory force to mean that the Institution and students are required to comply with the policy as stated.

In applying the principles of the QEM and in all our institutional activities, staff are expected to act in an unbiased manner and report any relevant and substantial conflicts of interest that arise. Some of the pages of the manual will be directly relevant to students, others only relevant to staff, whilst a third category will be useful to all.

The UK Quality Code for Higher Education (the Quality Code) is used to assure the standards and quality of higher education in the United Kingdom. This brief guide explains what the key features of the Quality Code are, why the Quality Code is important, and how it is used.

The Quality Code is used to assure the standards and quality of UK higher education. It is owned, maintained and published by the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (QAA) and has been developed in consultation with the higher education sector. Individual higher education providers use the Quality Code to ensure students have a high quality educational experience. It consists of a series of chapters grouped into three Parts, Part A: Academic Standards, Part B: Assuring and Enhancing Academic Quality and Part C: Information about Higher Education Provision.

The Quality Code is available on request from the Administration Department.